What is an APA format bibliography?
APA is the Style of writing for the American Psychological Association and is most commonly used for academic writing for business, nursing and the social sciences. This is the most commonly used academic style and covers everything from how individual pages such as you bibliography should be laid out to how language should be used. The use of a common style ensures that when a researcher looks at different documents he finds the information presented in the same way so they do not have to learn a whole new system to find the information that they want. A bibliography is a list of all of the works that have been cited or used during the research of your paper. APA only requires you to list those publications that you have cited within your work for your APA format bibliography
APA bibliography format
The following will provide you with the information that you need for your APA format bibliography. The APA style and format for bibliography is the same across many different types of document from an essay to your thesis;
- Margins need to a minimum of 1 inch and even both top to bottom and left to right
- Font size is recommended as 12pt and you should use Times New Roman for clarity
- A running head should be top left and page number top right
- The references or bibliography should begin on a new page
- Title should be centered at the top of the page; References (or bibliography if true bibliography)
- References should be aligned left with a ½ inch hanging indent for the second and subsequent lines
How to Format references within your APA format bibliography
The following will show you how to format each individual reference. They should be listed in alphabetical order according to the last name of the author. If several authors then you should use the last name of the first mentioned author. Besides, often the easiest way to get you APA style essay right is to use an APA format essay sample or template as a basis for your own writing.
- Record the Authors surname followed by a comma, then the initials; Brown, A.B. or Brown, A.B., Smith, C.D.
- After the name provide the date in brackets followed by a full stop; (2010). If full dates are used use a consistent system throughout
- Provide the title of the referenced book or article, only capitalize the first letter unless they are proper nouns; The rise and fall of the Roman Empire in Britain.
- Provide the place of publication and the publisher separated by a colon; Arizona: Example Publishing
- Full Example; Brown, A.B., (2010). The rise and fall of the Roman Empire in Britain. Arizona: Example Publishing